Monday, July 16, 2012

Pyeongchang June 2012 Visit!


The weather in S.Korea has been fairly rainy and cloudy for the past month or so. That still didn't stop Jenn and I from signing up for a tour from Adventure Korea to Pyeongchang! Pyeongchang is a city in the northern area of S.Korea, and we went up there a few weekends ago as part of a tour package that included a day at the waterpark, a rock festival, and ATV's! I highly recommend Adventure Korea if you're looking for a tour company in S.Korea that is well put together, and reliable. The only downside is that they're based in Seoul, so very rarely do they have tours that leave from Daegu. Anyway, this was one of the few that did, and we're pretty glad we went.

We left Saturday morning, and got to Pyeongchang sometime around 12:30. To clarify, we weren't exactly staying in Pyeongchang, we were staying at the Phoenix Park Sky Resort? Something like that. As soon as I got there and saw all the awesome slopes, I could just imagine how sweet it would be to go snowboarding in  that during the winter. This is the place where the 2018 Winter Olympics will be held, so I thought it was pretty cool to visit something like that!
The Slopes!
Sitting next to the Olympics sign!
We got there, and checked in to our rooms. Pretty nice, lots of space for everyone, and clean. Then, we headed to the waterpark. Yup, this resort has a waterpark. It's got to do something during the summer right? Anyway, we headed to the waterpark, and had a really good time! One thing I like about waterparks in S.Korea is the locker room. Yes, random, and a little weird. But....once you get used to all the naked dudes, its actually really nice. The showers have soap and shampoo, they have everything. They even have these little machines that you put your swimming shorts in for a quick dry. No pics unfortunately, our cameras aren't waterproof!

After the waterpark, we cleaned up and got some Dominoes for dinner. Then we headed over to the rock concert. Not...bad? Let's just say that the first performance was decent, but then we got bored and left. If you ain't got nothing nice to say...right? We went and got some ice cream around 11 or so and then just got back to the room and chilled. Good times.
Rock Concert
Sunday, we woke up, and went and took the cable car to the top of the slopes. Normally, I'm thinking these are used for skiiers and snowboarders. But anyway, at the top of the hill, there was an animal farm. Wait, what? Yes, there was an animal farm. They had a little box filled with yellow, fluffy baby chickens. And you could pick it up and scare the crap out of it. But yeah, we picked one up, and it was...interesting. I put it back because I was scared it would use the bathroom on me. 
At the top of the slopes! Can you imagine it covered in snow? ^__^

After that, we headed back to the hotel to get ready for ATVing! ATV was definitely the highlight. We went up a mountain, and then back down, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Here are some pics!
After ATVing, we went to clean up, and then got on the bus back to Daegu. Not a bad weekend at all!


  1. Yeah, I like the little machines for a quick dry swimming suits too. The Coast Guard pool in Alameda got them.
    Thanks for share the story. And in the future,when you watch the Winter Olympics 2018, you can say that you already been there. Cool.

  2. How very fun and 2018 Olympics site? Wow, very nice. Keep the posts coming!!!

  3. Hello,
    I'm planning to go to Pheonix Ski Resort from Daegu in January. Can you tell me how to go there directly from Daegu?
    If possible I dont't wanna go there via Seoul; it will be such a long journey!
    I googled everything but couldn't get the info. Also, I'd like to travel preferably by train, but if bus is the only option it's also fine.

    Thank you!~ ;)

    1. Hi Kim!

      Jenn and I went there using Adventure Korea. They made all the arrangements for us, so unfortunately, we wouldn't know much about how to get there.

      However, we have gone to some random places in Korea by ourselves, and when we had to that, we asked our co-teachers the best way. That usually involved finding a really, really long bus that took you to the closest city, at which point, another bus trip to the destination happened. If I recall correctly, you shouldn't have to leave from Seoul if you are coming from Daegu (looks like you could probably find a bus to Wongju, and then take a shorter bus ride from there). Hope that helps, and let me know if you have any more questions!
