Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thailand Part II!

I guess I'll start where Fluke left off... ^_^

When we arrived at Fluke's grandma's house, we were greeted with hugs, smiles, and of!!! I will never forget his grandma's face when she saw Fluke. I wish I could have taken a picture to capture her expression of  happiness and pure joy. After sticky rice (YUMM!!!) and some fruit (also yummy!), we walked around the farm. I've heard so much about it so I was excited to explore it (and take hundreds of photos--really--I'm not exaggerating). As we walked along the many pathways, we paused to take pictures and eat fruit off the trees! Of our entire amazing Thailand trip, walking around the farm was my favorite. Of all the beautiful places and temples we visited, the farm was the most beautiful. I'm sure a part of the reason I feel this way is that Fluke and his family looked so happy the entire time. I was happy too, but I can't see my own face! haha Plus the farm is so peaceful. And we ate our way through it. Where else can you explore an area and eat ripe, fresh fruit at the same time!?!
Fluke, Grandma, and Mom! So cute!

We ate a water lily! You can pluck those out and it tastes like fruit!
Where Fluke used to play as a kid ^^
The cliche jumping pic
My favorite photo <3
Another jumping pic haha
Where Fluke's mom is going to build her house!
So pretty!
After exploring the farm, we went to a nearby cave. Why??? To watch all the bats fly out of course!! Every night at 6pm, the bats fly out the cave opening and make what looks like a black ribbon in the sky. I can't even estimate the number of bats we saw and my camera doesn't zoom well, but I promise--that black line is the bat formation (??) in the sky! From the cave, we went to a local place for dinner. It reminded me of a Thai/Korean BBQ type place. Then we got ice cream for dessert! We relaxed the rest of the night and got ready to fly back to Bangkok to fly back to Korea.
It took many hours to travel from Bangkok to Khon San by bus/car so it was much easier to fly back. On the way to the airport , we stopped at a market! Saw lots of fruits and basically a ton of food. We got Bangkok airport in the afternoon and our flight didn't leave until 1AM. Luckily, Bangkok has what's called the "Airport Link"-a sky rail (?) that connects it to many places...including a huge mall! The airport had a special place to safely store our luggage, so after figuring that out, we made our way to the mall! I've been to many malls (thanks to the OC haha) and this one was upscale and HUGE (think of all the expensive, upscale designers/brands you know of and I bet this mall had a store)!!! The food court was not just a section, it was an entire floor. And this entire floor was insane. It had restaurants with all kinds of international cuisine. But, we were in Thailand and we wanted Thai food!! We were getting extremely irritated by the number of people there, the crowded restaurants, and our inability to find any Thai food. We didn't give up though and eventually found one!! This was like upscale Thai food. More expensive than any of our other meals, but it was really good. Even though it was expensive, it was still comparable to the price of a nice dinner in California.

At the market!
Mangosteen. Yummy!
Gifts that Fluke's cousins gave us!
Our last Thai meal! Bittersweet...
In the mall we...stopped in the TV section to watch the ending of Toy Story 3, watched a dance cover competition (a boy group did Big Bang--a REALLY POPULAR K-Pop group), got churros stuffed with yummy sauce for dessert #1, had boba drinks for dessert #2, and aimlessly walked through different parts of the mall. Then back to the airport we went, got our luggage back, went through customs and security, and found amazing sofa couches to relax in until boarding time. We arrived in Busan in the morning and took the super convenient express bus from the airport to Daegu.
Some of Fluke's family came to see us off!
The good news is that Thailand was only Part 1 of our summer vacation!!!! We went back to Busan that night to leave for Jeju the following morning! So although this concludes our posts about Thailand, next up is Jeju!! Alright, time for me to get ready for bed! Ok, goodnight everyone <3

Thanks for reading ^ _ ^



  1. Part II just as great as Part I. Thanks for sharing. Your descriptions and pictures are so good, I can almost taste the food and almost be there. Love you!

  2. My family and I were very thankful that you guys can come to visit and got to see and experience the culture and the people. Thanks again for a great story.
