Monday, April 18, 2011

Trip to the Doctors!

Hi everyone!

I just want to say thank to to everyone who posts comments! We take our time writing the posts (uploading and positioning photos is the worst!) and it's always nice to get a comment or two.

Now, on to the topic of this post...the doctor's office!

A couple weeks ago I lost my voice. I had to yell, "Be quiet!!!" to get the attention of my out-of-control project-making 5th grade students. Yes, I have other "attention-getting" techniques, but when all else failed, I yelled. It worked because everyone was shocked I could use my voice that way! To get to the point...after that, I lost my voice. My voice came back after a weekend of rest and then a sore throat came again. I figured I should go to the doctor. Everyone hear just calls it the hospital, so last Wednesday I went to a "hospital" specializing in head/throat/nasal things. One of the English teachers was kind enough to take me there after school. The school nurse had given me throat lozenges but told me to go to the doctor after school so that's what I did!

After a 5 min wait, I entered the doctor's office. He did the normal open your mouth and say "ahhh", I'm going to look up your nose, and please breath in-and-out routine. The doctor was very nice and spoke good English. We were able to communicate effectively and my co-teacher only had to translate one time. He told me he would prescribe some medicine (I had no idea just how much he meant!) and said he wanted to see me in 2 days. Then I was ushered to a station with a low chair and table. I had to inhale this...I don't even know how to describe it except it was a soothing gas thing. Then I had to breathe through my mouth for this other fog thing. I have no idea what that did.

Next, I entered a small changing room for an injection. Yes, I am talking about the infamous shot in the butt! "Hip" here means hip and butt so I originally showed the nurse my hip because I forgot about it. I quickly realized she meant butt! The shot didn't hurt too bad. It hurt after the fact. 

From the doctor's office (the visit was $4), I went downstairs (yes--very convenient!) to wait for my prescriptions to be filled. At most, I waited 10 mins (sorry to everyone who has to call in prescriptions and wait forever for them to be filled at home!). I had a set of pills to take after bfast, a smaller set after lunch, and a few to take after dinner. Then I had a huge pill to take after each set. I was also prescribed a sugar water tasting cough syrup thing. I considered it the dessert of my medicine taking! All the medicine was less than $4. I was in-and-out of the doctor's office and pharmacy and back to my apt in 30mins. 

The medicine was working, so when I saw him 2 days later, the entire routine was repeated...including the butt injection to make sure my voice/throat would be ready for a full week of teaching. 

I still have to be careful with my voice and how loudly I project it when I teach, but I'm happy to report I'm all better!! I feel sooooo much better and am so glad I went to the doctor. I was very impressed with the entire medical process. And now I know where to go if I get sick! 

Alright, time to make dinner! And a picture just because!
View from the street by my apt! Sunday was a beautiful, clear day.

Love and miss you all!


  1. jenn sounds like fun!a shot in the butt ouch!but being your doctor dad i must recommend you ask exactly what u r being given !in detail! so if u have a reaction u know what to do!especially at night if the office is not avaiable to speak to u .p.s. ive got skype i did it all myself!bye love dad

  2. Really happy you are all better. I want you to know I am feeling better as well from the last time we Skyped. Looks like the way medical care is provided in Korea is far superior to the good old US of A. Why doesn't that surprise me. Please continue to take care of yourself as you know how your mother worries and tell Fluke hello. Love, Hugs and Kisses.

  3. I thought I read about Fluke until I see the end.When I see the Doctor topic, I thought oh no.I like Doctors but I don't like to visit them.
    Well. I am glad that you are getting better.
    Keep water bottle next to you.
    You look too nice and kind and that is why the children won't listen to you for all the time.
    May be that is normal with them.
    Good luck. Rest more. Drink warm water if you can. I know you like cold water. How about fresh lime juice in your room temperature water?
    You probably feel a lot better now.
    Love from Pao

  4. haha hip here means hip and butt!! thats so funny! im sorry you had to get a booty shot! but now you can say that you have had one. glad you're feeling better. hopefully we can skype soon!! :))

  5. Happy to hear you are better. I was telling Jen T. about your shot in the butt and medicine and how you felt better so quickly. She had a similar experience in China and had no idea what she took, but BAMM, all better. Go figure. Makes for great stories!! Love you

  6. wow in and out in no time! and only $4!! well, i hope the gas and shots worked and you feel better soon :)
