Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh hey there Busan!

Wow! After three airports in two days, and a ton of luggage moving, Jenn and I finally made it to Busan for orientation. Tired, but wanted to jot down some quick impressions of everything so far...list time! But first, check out this view from my dorm room, its pretty awesome! (Staying at a University in Busan for orientation)
1) I hate luggage. With a passion. 
2) South Korea is awesome. Spent some time walking around Seoul (during our layover) and Busan, and there were plenty of people, places to see, and things to do.
3) Theres like a cell phone store at like every corner! 
4) The people that I have met at orientation are from all corners of the world, quick list of where they're from in no particular order: New Zealand, England, Canada, South Africa, Ohio, Minnesota...and more!
5) Did I mention that I hate luggage? And pillows. Even though it is definitely worth it. I mean, pictures and books and stuff from home remind you of home...but my memory foam pillow is like, a physical reminder of home, that I can touch? I'm really glad I brought it, even though I will probably have to throw away the pillow case because of all the nasty places its been which include: two carry-on compartments (whats been in there??), the ground outside the airport (wet and cold, way to go taxi driver...), the floor in the airport (so yeah, I dropped it a couple times), HEAD?? Ha. Just kidding. I'm not that gross.
6) Koreans love their cafes and coffee shops! They are everywhere, and I have yet to try one but will do so tomorrow for breakfast :)
7) Almost forgot I'm here to teach English,  been so busy just trying to soak in all the culture and stuff. (Then again, have only been here for like two days...LOL)
8) Excited for orientation!
9) They have a coin laundry then...I can clean my pillowcase...YES!!
10) So hungry...

Until then, bye!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post fluke!! The part about your pillowcase made me laugh! haha funny funny. I saw your food post and your meat looked....interesting lol but I bet it was delicious!! hope you're having fun!! :)
